Good catch, my friend!

You just found the right place to discover a wide range of different books from Amazon people tweet about every f*cking day. Furthermore, Tweebooks can help you to promote your own affiliate links from Amazon to an even bigger audience of possible book buyers.

Links will be preserved and displayed properly as expected at the following places:

  • Home page, map section.
  • Your own virtual Tweeboks profile page (automatically generated based on information from Twitter) - in development.
  • Book page, your tweet about it.

This way you can earn more commissions. All you need to do is to continue posting your affiliate links in your Twitter account and Tweebooks will do the rest.

Are you serious? Is it profitable?

Tweebooks promotes your affiliate links for free. Yes, it’s true. On the other hand, we need to eat something, or at least find some funds to pay our billing checks for hosting and domain. That’s why we inject our own referral links at certain places. There is certain data we have been gathering and analyzing like Trending books or Book page itself that can be used for this sort of anchoring. So all your personalized content such as tweets and the information these tweets point out will be always affiliated as expected.

Wait, these commissions are too small, no?

Yes, commissions are (not surprisingly) small. We’re not thinking about how to earn more money, this way we would be talking about gambling and naked girls, however, it’s still possible to find some books here related to some certain category we are not permitted to talk a lot about :)

Let’s consider this project as a way to have some fun, a place where you can look around and jump on any Book and/or Twitter profile page, get useful information and meet new friends. Luckily we’re opened to discuss new ideas, so feel free to ping us anytime using this email - [email protected], I’ll be responsible for the communication process personally.